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Name: Willow Valley Violet J1 

Breed: High Precentage Red Devon Cow (Not Registered)

Ear Tag: J1

Born: 6/10/2021



Introducing Willow Valley Violet J1, a high-percentage Red Devon cow born on June 10, 2021. Born on our farm to Erin E118, a cow from Abiding Acres Farm, Violet comes from a background of quality genetics, derived from a breeding with a High Percentage Red Devon / Red Angus bull prior to our acquisition. She is known for being a wonderful mother, having successfully raised two calves while demonstrating easy pregnancies and smooth births. Violet's strong maternal instincts and proven track record make her an excellent addition to any herd!

Willow Valley Violet J1 (Cow)

  • 90%+ Red Devon

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